As the industry turns its focus to 2025, here are seven predictions for the big things that could happen next year.
新年将至,Foresight News 会在 2024 年最后一周用年终必读系列文章带大家回顾 2024,展望 2025。见出以知入,观往而知来。
来源:链上数据分析师 Murphy筹码结构决定着 BTC 价格回调的下限每一次推动市场情绪变化的事件发生,都伴随链上换手量的突然...
Balaji, former CTO of Coinbase, tweeted that in the future, smart cars, smart watches and smart homes will be widely used, and each object will not only be able to communicate with people, but also communicate with each other, record conversations and coordinate tasks for its owner who holds the private key. He called this trend "AI Internet of Things". In response, Vitalik Buterin emphasized that ensuring that the ownership of the device belongs to the private key holder is not a default result, and it requires human efforts to promote it.
【GPT】2024 年是加密货币行业的转折点,比特币突破 10 万美元,首批比特币和以太坊 ETF 上市,稳定币巩固美元主导地位。主要国家可能建立战略比特币储备,比特币 DeFi 和 L2 网络快速发展,加密货币市值或超 8 万亿美元。美国监管环境改善,初创企业复兴,加密行业迈向全球金融主流化。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Luke
Web3 领先的 AI agent 平台 DeAgentAI 今日宣布推出全新活动季 Joe's Cat,准备了总计至少 2 亿枚 DA 代币作为生态激励,奖励幅度是上一个活动季的 10 倍。同时,用户将能够通过丰富多样的形式参与活动和享受激励。
In this issue, FinTax will review the Oyster case and the Bitqyck case, using these two ICO-related tax evasion cases as examples to provide crypto investors with sober thinking about tax compliance during the meme coin craze.